
Fellowships for PhD Students

AI2AI will support PhD students who are pursuing innovations that advance the state of the art in interactive AI technologies. Awardees, who will be designated Amazon Fellows, will receive a full stipend, tuition remission, and health insurance for the fall and spring semesters. Additionally, Amazon Fellows will be strongly encouraged to apply for Summer Internship positions at Amazon to gain valuable industry insights and build strong connections with Amazon scientists. It is expected that multiple PhD fellowships will be awarded each year.

Faculty Research Awards

AI2AI will support faculty members engaged in exploratory research on topics of interest to AI2AI through two possible avenues, gifts and sponsored research.

1. Gift awards will support the research for approximately one faculty-student or faculty-postdoc dyad for one year, and may offer opportunities to interact with Amazon scientists with shared mutual interests when feasible. It is anticipated that multiple faculty research awards will be available each year.

2. Sponsored research projects will be supported for work that is of direct interest to Amazon. One or more Amazon scientists with interests matching those of Johns Hopkins researchers will be identified through a proposal preparation and/or review process, and substantive collaboration is likely to take place throughout the execution of the project. A few sponsored projects are anticipated each year, based on the identification of mutual interests.

Faculty Research Awards

AI2AI will support faculty members engaged in exploratory research on topics of interest to AI2AI via either (1) a gift. The award amounts will support the research of approximately one faculty-student or faculty-postdoc dyad for one year, and may offer opportunities to interact with Amazon scientists with shared mutual interests where feasible. Multiple faculty research awards are anticipated each year.


(2) Research on topics of direct interest to Amazon through conventional sponsored research projects. One or more Amazon scientists with matching interests will be identified during the proposal preparation and/or review process, and substantive collaboration is likely to take place through the execution of the project. A few sponsored projects are anticipated each year, based on the identification of mutual interests.

Community Building

AI2AI will support community and outreach activities that increase awareness of and engagement in research on and discussions about interactive artificial intelligence, such as research symposia, seminars, workshops, and student/recruiting events. It is anticipated that one or more of such activities will be supported each quarter.